FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
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Product: WinOLS
Area: General
Q1000 | I have bought WinOLS at Ebay or I have bought it used. Now I need a registration code. |
Q1001 | What does the error message 'Integrity check failed for ...' mean? |
Q1002 | How do I solve the driver problem "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" / "EvcDriver:main: Fail to initialize USB driver"? |
Q1003 | What does '*ELEVATED*' or 'Elevated rights' mean? |
Q1004 | How do I make a backup of my WinOLS configuration / transfer it to another PC? |
Q1005 | Why does WinOLS limit the number of versions per project? |
Q1006 | Why is WinOLS slow? |
Q1007 | How do I update data areas? |
Q1008 | Where does WinOLS store data? |
Area: Projects
Q1100 | I want to manage my existing tuning files with WinOLS. What is the fastest way
to get them into WinOLS ? |
Area: Scripting
Q1101 | I would like to use both absolute and relative (or percentual) replacements in a script. But WinOLS always executes only one type. |
Area: Maps
Q1200 | The automatic map recognition does not find Bosch maps even though there are some in the file. |
Q1201 | How can I input own values for the map's sampling points ? |
Q1202 | How do I find the offset for my Damos/A2L file? |
Q1203 | How do I translate maps with OLS540? |
Area: Checksum modules
Q1300 | Although I have installed OLS270, the checksum of old TDIs is not recognized. |
Q1301 | I have modified a file with another program and try to correct the checksum with WinOLS, but no correction is done. |
Q1302 | What is CAdrCnv ? |
Q1303 | What is the compatibility test checksum ? |
Q1304 | What means "Change RSA key" ? |
Q1305 | What means "Synchronise control block" ? |
Q1306 | What can I do against the error message OLS-06c-1? |
Q1307 | What is "Fix compatibility test checksum" ? |
Q1308 | What is a "Patch-Tag-Block" ? |
Q1309 | Why can't checksum DLLs be loaded (ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) ? |
Area: Scripting
Q1400 | I would like to search and replace a map, but it is not recognized reliably.
If I increase the tolerance, wrong maps are found. If I decrease the tolerance, the map is not
found at all in some ECUs. |
Q1401 | I would like to use both absolute and relative (or percentual) replacements in a script. But WinOLS always executes only one type. |
Area: Internet-Functions
Q1500 | The WinOLS-Features "Search for updates", "Search checksums online", "Search online" and "Store online" don't work. What can I do? |
Q1501 | If I try to update my WinOLS I get the message: "Couldn't establish a secure connection" or error code 12057. What can I do? |
Q1502 | There is a crash or error when I want to send projects by e-mail. |
Q1503 | Access to the Reseller Server (ASS) fails. Other Internet features work. |
Area: Typical tasks
Q1600 | How can I create a new project? |
Q1601 | How can I automatically find maps? |
Q1602 | How can I manually find maps (Text mode)? |
Q1603 | How can I manually find maps (2d mode)? |
Q1604 | How do I use the Preview? |
Q1605 | How do change maps? |
Q1606 | How can I correct checksums? |
Q1607 | How can I import data from older projects? |
Q1608 | A BDM project doesn't have an EEprom element / WinOLS message 'Virtual
EEprom found' |
Area: OLS300
Q1700 | How do I solve OLS300 driver problems? |
Area: BSL
Q1800 | How do I handle ECU passwords? |
Area: UCM
Q1900 | How can I import the ObdVisualizer files into WinOLS |
Q1901 | How can I connect a map to the PIDs ? |
Q1902 | I want to import other logfiles into WinOLS-ObdVisualizer |
Q1903 | Can I make my own PIDs for it? |
Q1904 | How many PIDs can be read ? |
Q1905 | Which devices can be connected? |
Product: Other
Area: Eprom
Q2000 | I have / I'm searching for an eprom with the description Bxxxxx. What is this? |
Product: BDM
Area: Driver
Q4000 | BDM100 driver cannot be installed correctly under Vista, Win7 or Win6 |
Q4001 | BDM100 driver was not installed correctly under unter Win8-64 |
Area: Supported ECUs
Q4010 | Does BDM100 support xxxx Eproms in yyyy ECUs ? |
Product: BslToGo
Area: BSL
Q5000 | How do I handle ECU passwords? |