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Certified WinOLS Training

Notes on Quality & Authenticity

You want to know more about tuning with WinOLS ?

Get trained by one of our Certified Trainers.

At EVC, we created the Certified Trainer Program to ensure that WinOLS training is of guaranteed quality and that the trainer has in-depth knowledge.

All trainers below in the list have participated in an intensive training with subsequent examination beyond their normal work with WinOLS. This examination covered both the knowledge of WinOLS and the suitability and approach as a teacher. This is the only way we can ensure that WinOLS training courses are conducted with the quality we require.

By contacting our Certified Trainers, you are guaranteed a uniform price. Our official price list for the courses is strictly respected by all our WinOLS teachers.

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Trainer in your country, you are welcome to contact us at info@evc.de . All information will follow upon request.

Part-No. Description Price *)
TrainCertWinOLS - Certified WinOLS Trainer course€ 5593,00
*) All prices quoted include 19% VAT. (Corporate customer? Please login!)

CityMálaga, Madrid, Oporto
Name FORMAUTO (Spain) - DLPowered (Portugal)
Contact person Marcos Rial Romero - David Loureiro - Pedro Guedes
Website http://www.formauto.es
E-Mail cursos@formauto.es
Phone +34661189426 , +351961309451
Experience Institución especializada en nuevas tecnologías de automoción desde 1996
Formación profesional para el taller de reparaciones en España (+ países hispanohablantes), Portugal y Brasil
Venta de Maquinaria, Software, File Service y Consultoría técnica
Training possible online True
Training possible on siteTrue
Max. Participants on site 12 - 15 (online / classroom)

14.04.2023 09:00:00 3 dias, 8 horas diarias Training A
14.07.2023 00:00:00 3 días (6hs diarias) Training A-B ONLINE
15.12.2023 00:00:00 3 dias, 8 horas diarias Training B - Presencial
23.02.2024 00:00:00 3 dias - 8 oras de training p/dia Oporto Classrooms (Portugal)
15.03.2024 09:00:00 24 hours - 3 days WinOLS® B
19.07.2024 00:00:00 3 dias WinOLS® - Online
13.12.2024 00:00:00 3 days - 8hr per day WinOLS® - Online
14.03.2025 09:00:00 3 dias WinOLS® - Online - PORTUGUES
14.03.2025 09:00:00 3 dias WinOLS® - Online - ESPAÑOL