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Particolari Checksum OLS257

UtilizzazioneSiemens Mini One / Cooper -> OLS222 V3.0
Accesso n/a
Punti checksum0
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Dettaglio versione
Alle Angaben für WinOLS5. Checksummen für WinOLS4 werden ab dem 31.12.2022 nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Data Versione*Revisione
02.11.20182.09CorrettoPossible crash at defect file fixed
13.07.20102.08NuevoNow also KessV2 files
17.04.20082.06NuevoRecognition improved
12.03.20082.05NuevoChecksum interface updated
12.02.20082.04NuevoNew file
18.07.20072.03NuevoNew file Japan
13.10.20062.02NuevoAdjusted to new file
30.12.20052.01NuevoNew placement of the SPI identification
30.12.20052.01CorrettoError messages were not displayed
08.12.20052.00NuevoNew registration
22.08.20051.11NuevoAdjusted to new file
18.07.20051.10CorrettoIn some files the SPI string was not inserted
02.11.20041.8NuevoAdjusted to new file